Anne-Marie Vangsted

Anne-Marie Vangsted


Anne-Marie Vangsted , Biobank, Medfødte sygd. & Vac.beredskab / Biobank, Medfødte Sygd. & Vac.beredskab
T. +45 32685305 @.


Anne-Marie Vangsted has been the Executive Vice President for Biobank, Digital Infrastructure & High Capacity Diagnostics since 2021. She is a trained pharmacist and has had a career within the domestic and Ministry of Health for the past 20 years.

Short Employment Biography

  • Executive Vice President at Biobank, Digital Infrastructure & High Capacity Diagnostics (2021-)
  • Executive Vice President at TestCenter Danmark, SSI (from 2020-2021)
  • Director at the Danish Patient Safety Authority (2015-2020)
  • Deputy Director at the Danish Health Authority (2015-2015)
  • Unit Manager responsible for patient safety and official medical function at the Danish Health Authority (2012-2015)
  • Department Head responsible for the control laboratory and GXP at the Danish Medicines Agency (1998-2012)
