Mission, vision and strategy
The SSI’s mission is to prevent and fight infectious and congenital diseases through research-based monitoring, diagnostics and guidance.
The mission of Statens Serum Institut (SSI) is:
We prevent and fight infectious and congenital diseases through research, monitoring, diagnostics and guidance.
Our vision is:
The SSI - an internationally leading research and preparedness organisation that strengthens the health of humans and animals.
In coming years, our efforts to underpin the mission and fulfill the vision target six strategic action areas:
- Far-sighted and future-proof preparedness activities
- One-Health - health for humans and animals
- Research and evidence as the foundation
- A strong base of data
- Useful, open and transparent
- Cooperative and inclusive
Five qualities we strive towards
The SSI has defined a number of qualities that serve to keep us on track. These qualities reflect what we expect of ourselves and what the world may expect from the SSI.
The five qualities are as follows:
- Prepared
- Professional
- Useful
- Innovative
- Collaborative
Here, you can read more about the five qualities that capture what the world may expect from the SSI.