Laboratory Services - human
Statens Serum Institut (SSI) provides our customers with advanced specialist laboratory services.
Innovative and high-tech analyses
SSI’s offers state-of-the-art laboratory services, which ensure that the Danish population and our customers receive quick, accurate and reliable results. We carry out extensive research and development in all core diagnostic areas and are committed to implementing the latest technologies.
SSI offers comprehensive diagnostics - Our technical and professional staff are happy to respond to any queries from healthcare professionals regarding our analyses and advice on choosing relevant analyses and the interpretation of results are an integral part of the quality service we provide.
All samples should be accompanied by a
- Sample Submission Form (Human Diagnostic Analyses)
- Sample Submission Form (Mycoplasmatales)
- Sample Submission Form (Mycobacteria)
Samples should be sent to
Statens Serum Institut
PDC, B85
Artillerivej 5
2300 Copenhagen S
The sample should be shipped in containers that can be firmly closed, and for shipment by mail, dual casing with absorbent material wrapping the tube with the material is required.
Please view the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road for further information regarding packaging.
Please feel free to contact us ( should you have any queries or require assistance.
Quality assurance
A large number of SSI’s services are accredited in accordance with ISO 17025 ‘General Requirements for the Competence of Calibration and Testing Laboratories’.
SSI strives to provide consistent and high quality laboratory analyses. Our quality assurance ensures that analyses are performed according to international standards. Moreover, in accordance with internationally recognized standards external technical experts regularly audit
The Institutes testing laboratories. Furthermore, analytical equipment is validated/calibrated frequently, and targets have been set for the service offered to our users.
General Terms and Conditions for sales of Services
Click here to see the General Terms and Conditions for sales of Services performed by SSI.
When ordering laboratory analyses at SSI, you confirm that you agree to the terms set forth in the General Terms and Conditions for sales of Services.