The laboratory offers the following investigations: Detection, identification, typing and susceptibility testing of class III biological safety bacteria, fastidious and difficult-to-grow microbes.
We use a broad range of microbiological methods including microscopy, culture, antigen/antibody detection, various PCR methods, and the use of laboratory mice.
Typing can be performed on selected bacteria by use of either phenotypic or molecular techniques Susceptibility testing (EUCAST) is done by disc diffusion or MIC methods (Etest and micro-broth dilution).
Please enclose a completed Sample Submission Form with the sample:
Organisms | Test principle | Result | Patient material | Test code | Price Euro 2025 |
Detection of mycoplasmas in cell cultures etc.: Culture and PCR (find more information here) |
Various cultures and PCR | Qualitative | - | 018 | 414 |
Detection of mycoplasmas in cell cultures etc.: PCR (find more information here) |
PCR and sequencing | Qualitative | - | 019 | 135 |
Microbiom 16S/18S (bacteria, fungi, parasites) | DNA detection and sequencing | Report of pathogenic organisms present | Blood, cerebrospinal fluid, body fluids or biopsy | 1008 | 76 |
Mycobacteria environmental specimen | Culture, PCR and sequencing | Qualitative | - | 177 | 931 |
- Add-on for handling of Water samples (not swab) | 915 | ||||
- Add-on for species identification (only positive) | 319 | ||||
- Add-on for Whole genome sequencing (on request) | 500 | ||||
Mycoplasma genitalium quinolone resistance | Sequencing of regions of the parC gene | Mutation detected | Mucosal swap, firstvoid urine or purified DNA from bacteria | 1049 | 148 |