Statens Serum Institut represents Denmark in the second EU Joint action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections (JAMRAI 2).
JAMRAI 2 is co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No 101127787.
The four-year (2024-2027) European Union project aims at supporting the 30 EU Member States and associated countries in their efforts to develop and update their National Action Plan (NAP) on AMR. The priorities of JAMRAI are to strengthen Member States and associated countries coordination, strengthen the responsiveness of health systems, ensuring access to critical antibiotics and diagnostic devices, and protecting citizens exposure to antimicrobial-resistant bacteria.
EU-JAMRAI 2 seeks to implement concrete actions to monitor, prevent and effectively tackle antimicrobial resistance across human, animal and environmental health domains that is through a “One-Health” approach. The project focuses on multiple areas, such as antibiotic stewardship (AMS), surveillance, awareness raising, capacity building, infection prevention and control (IPC) and behavioral science.
EU-JAMRAI 2 is following the learnings from the first Joint action on AMR and Healthcare Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI 1) which aimed at strengthening and consolidation the work in the Member States and associated countries to contain antibiotic resistance and reduce health care associated infections.
JAMRAI 2 is funded by the member states and by the EU4Health Program of EU.
The EU-JAMRAI 2 project was launched in Paris the 13th of February 2024: More information on the EU-JAMRAI 2 kick-off meeting.

Brian Kristensen,
Infektionsepidemiologi og Forebyggelse / Central Enhed for Infektionshygiejne
T. +45 32683646
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