Assay design and development
At Statens Serum Institut (SSI) we have a long-term experience in quantitative detection of virus and virus-specific antibodies using the haemagglutination (HA) assay and the haemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assay.
Haemagglutination and haemagglutination inhibition assay
The HA assay is a state-of-the-art method for detection and quantitation of specific viruses. Likewise, the HAI assay is a well-described method for detection of antibodies raised against a specific virus or vaccine. At SSI, we have in-depth experience from research as well as contract work in performing both of these assays. We offer detection of virus and virus-specific antibodies in clinical samples, cell cultures and bulk materials using the HA and HAI assay, respectively. Both assays can be performed as quantitative and will be carried out in BL2/BL3 environments.
As the National WHO Reference Laboratory for several viruses, including influenza virus, we possess not only high international expertise within the field but also a unique collection of viruses and antisera, which can be included in the analysis as references/controls.
Both assays require the addition of red blood cells, and we possess a steady supply of blood from a broad selection of relevant animals such as guinea pig, chicken etc.
Studies can be carried out as individual projects or according to a contract work agreement. If needed, we have the expertise to develop or optimize assays to full-fill the requirements from our contract partner.
Detection and quantitation of virus
Detection and quantitation of virus-specific antibodies
Typing and subtyping of influenza virus
Typing and subtyping of influenza-specific antibodies

Uffe Vest Schneider
Virus & Mikrobiologisk Specialdiagnostik / Virologi & Mikrobiologisk Beredskab
T. +45 32685362
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