Morten Frisch

Morten Frisch,
Consultant Physician,
Epidemiologisk Forskning / Projekt SEXUS
T. +45 32683160
Research Areas
My main areas of research are
- Sexual health epidemiology with particular focus on the interplay between sexuality and general physical and mental health
- Classic descriptive and analytical epidemiology on cancer and autoimmune diseases
I am the PI of Project SEXUS, a large, prospective population-based cohort study aimed to shed light on the sexual health and well-being of the Danish population as well as on the poorly understood interplay between sexual health and ill-health on one side and general physical and mental health on the other.
Publications |
Erlangsen A, Jacobsen AL, Ranning A, Delamare AL, Nordentoft M, Frisch M. Transgender identity and suicide attempts and mortality in Denmark. JAMA 2023;329:2145-2153; |
Andresen JB, Graugaard C, Andersson M, Bahnsen MK, Frisch M. Childhood gender non-conformity, sexual orientation and mental health problems among 18 to 89 year-old Danes. World Psychiatry 2023;22:334-335; |
Scofield D, Weis N, Andersson M, Storgaard M, Pedersen G, Johansen IS, Katzenstein TL, Graugaard C, Frisch M, Moseholm E. Psychosocial, sexual, reproductive and menopausal health in women with and without HIV in a high-income setting. AIDS 2023;37:1315-1322; |
Graugaard C, Bahnsen MK, Boisen KA, Andresen JB, Andersson M, Frisch M. Sexuality among young Danes treated for long-lasting or severe physical disease: baseline findings in a nationwide cohort study. J Adolesc Health 2023; |
Andresen JB, Graugaard C, Andersson M, Bahnsen MK, Frisch M. Adverse childhood experiences and mental health problems in a nationally representative study of heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual Danes. World Psychiatr 2022; |
Rostgaard K, Nielsen NM, Melbye M, Frisch M, Hjalgrim H. Siblings reduce multiple sclerosis risk by preventing delayed primary Epstein-Barr virus infection. Brain 2022; |
Bahnsen MK, Graugaard C, Andersson M, Andresen JB, Frisch M. Physical and mental health problems and their associations with inter-personal sexual inactivity and sexual dysfunctions in Denmark: baseline assessment in a national cohort study J Sex Med 2022; |
Frisch M, Simonsen J. Non-therapeutic male circumcision in infancy or childhood and the risk of human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted infections: national cohort study in Denmark. Eur J Epidemiol 2022;37:251-259 |
Andresen JB, Graugaard C, Andersson M, Bahnsen MK, Frisch M. Sexual inactivity and dysfunction in Denmark: a Project SEXUS study. Arch Sex Behav 2022; |
List of total publications |
H-index 60 (2023) |
Academia | |
2012 | Adj. Professor of Sexual Health Epidemiology, Aalborg University |
2002 | DSc(Med), University of Copenhagen |
1999 | Authorization to independently practice medicine |
1995 | PhD, University of Copenhagen |
1989 | MD, University of Copenhagen |
Employment | |
2006- | Consultant, Department of Epidemiology Research, SSI |
2000-2005 | Department Specialist, Department of Epidemiology Research, SSI |
1999-2000 |
Visiting Scientist, Viral Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Maryland, USA |
1996-1998 | Senior Investigator, Department of Epidemiology Research, SSI |
1993-1995 | Epidemiologist, Department of Epidemiology Research, SSI |
1990-1993 | Research Fellow, Danish Cancer Registry |
1989-1990 | Registrar, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen |
Professional Activities and Leadership Positions | |
2023- | Chief representative for Denmark, Governing Council, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France |
2018- | Member of specialist group regarding HTA (medicinsk teknologivurdering, MTV) of HPV vaccination of boys for the Danish National Board of Health |
2017- | PI, Project SEXUS ( |
2017 | Appointed specialist in Danish National Board of Health's campaign to increase uptake of HPV vaccination among girls |
2012 | Chairman for Danish Medical Association’s Research Council for Prevention’s working group on ‘Sexuality and Health’ ( |
2012- | Medical consultant for the Danish Cancer Registry |
2011-16 | Swedish Cancer Society, member of scientific evaluation committee PkF |
2005- | Member, Department Steering Committee, Department of Epidemiology Research, SSI |
2002-11 | Senior investigator, case-control study of rheumatoid arthritis |
1990-2008 | PI, case-control studies of HPV-associated cancers (anal, penile, vulvovaginal) |
Prizes and Honours | |
2022 | Nominated for the Honorary Scientific Ethics Award by the Zealand Regional Scientific Ethical Committee |
2013 | Research award of the Danish AIDS Foundation |
2012 | Research award of the Professor, Fritz Kauffmann’s Memorial Foundation |
2002 | Research award of the Thorvald Madsen Research Foundation |
2001 | Research award of the Classenske Fideicommis’ Jubilee Foundation |
1997 | Research award of the Danish Cancer Society, Young Cancer Scientist of the Year |