Department of Epidemiology Research

Department of Epidemiology Research
T. +45 3268 3159
The Department of Epidemiology Research conducts high-quality research supporting the Statens Serum Institut mission to prevent and fight infectious and congenital diseases.
Research in the Department focuses on understanding the etiology of diseases in order to improve prevention and treatment. We do that by combining the unique Danish health data with innovative methods in epidemiology, biostatistics, and machine-learning. We work with Danish national registers, purpose-built research databases, clinical studies, and population-based cohorts affiliated with the department and we include biological material from the Danish National Biobank and other collections of biospecimens in our research.
We also manage several international research collaborations and participate actively in global research networks. We emphasise developing the next generation of researchers through targeted talent development of young researchers, PhD students, and postdocs.
In the Department we are approx. 35 full-time employees, including epidemiologists, statisticians, physicians, data scientists, biologists, bioinformaticians, and PhD students. We also play host to Danish and international Master’s students, medical students, and collaborative partners.
We prioritise active communication of our research results and contribute continuously to the public debate in our fields of expertise. In this way we ensure that our research will benefit society and will contribute to an enlightened debate on health and disease.

Annette Huld
Epidemiologisk Forskning
T. +45 32683159