Anne Ahrendt Bjerregaard

Anne Ahrendt Bjerregaard
Epidemiologisk Forskning / Føtal programmering
T. +45 32683953
Research Areas
My research activities are focused on nutritional epidemiology; understanding and disentangleing early dietary and lifestyle factors that potentially influence health in adolescence and beyond. My work is based on data from the Danish National Birth Cohort and the Diabetes and Women’s Health Study. As a project coordinator, I am involved in various research and administrative activities within the Nutrition Group.
My experience includes the development and testing the validity of food frequency questionnaires for women and adolescents in Denmark, national and international research collaborations, nutritional calculations from questionnaires, development of materials and recruitment of participants to research projects, responsibility of students employed in the Nutrition Group as well as supervising master students.
Publications |
A list of total publications |