Sofie Elisabeth Midgley

Sofie Elisabeth Midgley
Virus & Mikrobiologisk Specialdiagnostik / Virus Overvågning og Forskning
T. +45 32683407
Research area
Surveillance-based research with emphasis on molecular evolution and epidemiology of RNA virus infections in humans and animals.
Responsible for the Danish WHO National Reference Laboratory for Poliovirus, including the Danish enterovirus surveillance. Additional responsibilities include the laboratory surveillance of parechovirus, rotavirus, hepatitis A virus and hepatitis E virus. Is the alternate National Microbiology Focal Point for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), member of the steering group for the European Non-Polio Enterovirus Network (ENPEN).
- Hansen CH, Midgley SE, Fischer TK. Review of global emergence of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68). Lancet Infectious Diseases 2016: S1473-3099(15)00543-5.
- Nielsen NM, Midgley S, Nielsen AY, Christiansen CB, Fischer TK. Severe Human Parechovirus infections in infants and the role of older siblings. American Journal of Epidemiology 2016; 183: 664-70.
- Barnadas C, Midgley SE, Skov MN, Jensen L, Poulsen MW, Fischer TK. An enhanced Enterovirus surveillance system allows identification and characterization of rare and emerging respiratory enteroviruses in Denmark, 2015-16. Journal of Clinical Virology 2017; 93:40-44.
- Midgley SE, Nielsen AG, Trebbien R, Poulsen MW, Andersen PH, Fischer TK. Co-circulation of multiple subtypes of enterovirus A71 (EV- A71) genotype C, including novel recombinants characterised by use of whole genome sequencing (WGS), Denmark 2016. Euro Surveillance 2017;22(26):pii=30565.
- Broberg EK, Benedetto S, Josep J, the EU/EEA Member State contributors. Upsurge in echovirus 30 detections in five EU/EEA countries, April to September, 2018. Euro Surveill. 2018;23(44):pii=1800537.