Magnus Christian Lydolph

Magnus Christian Lydolph


Magnus Christian Lydolph , Virus & Mikrobiologisk Specialdiagnostik / Serologi
T. +45 32688326 @.


  • Diagnostics and characterization of autoimmune diseases
  • Use of biomarkers in blood and spinal fluid for dementia diagnostics


  • Project management
  • QA/ISO accreditation of the Danish National Biobank


  • A low-gluten diet induces changes in the intestinal microbiome of healthy Danish adults. Nat Commun. 2018 Nov 13;9(1):4630. Hansen LBS, Roager HM, Søndertoft NB, Gøbel RJ, Kristensen M, Vallès-Colomer M, Vieira-Silva S, Ibrügger S, Lind MV, Mærkedahl RB, Bahl MI, Madsen ML, Havelund J, Falony G, Tetens I, Nielsen T, Allin KH, Frandsen HL, Hartmann B, Holst JJ, Sparholt MH, Holck J, Blennow A, Moll JM, Meyer AS, Hoppe C, Poulsen JH, Carvalho V, Sagnelli D, Dalgaard MD, Christensen AF, Lydolph MC, Ross AB, Villas-Bôas S, Brix S, Sicheritz-Pontén T, Buschard K, Linneberg A, Rumessen JJ, Ekstrøm CT, Ritz C, Kristiansen K, Nielsen HB, Vestergaard H, Færgeman NJ, Raes J, Frøkiær H, Hansen T, Lauritzen L, Gupta R, Licht TR, Pedersen O.
  • Nationwide prevalence and incidence study of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder in Denmark. Neurology. 2018 Nov 9. Papp V, Illes Z, Magyari M, Koch-Henriksen N, Kant M, Pfleger CC, Roemer SF, Jensen MB, Petersen AE, Nielsen HH, Rosendahl L, Mezei Z, Christensen T, Svendsen K, Hyldgaard Jensen PE, Lydolph MC, Heegaard N, Frederiksen JL, Sellebjerg F, Stenager E, Petersen T.
  • A novel index for preoperative, non-invasive prediction of macro-radical primary surgery in patients with stage IIIC-IV ovarian cancer-a part of the Danish prospective pelvic mass study. Tumour Biol. 2016 Sep;37(9):12619-12626. Karlsen MA, Fagö-Olsen C, Høgdall E, Schnack TH, Christensen IJ, Nedergaard L, Lundvall L, Lydolph MC, Engelholm SA, Høgdall C.
  • Alpha9beta1 integrin in melanoma cells can signal different adhesion states for migration and anchorage. Exp Cell Res. 2009 Nov 15;315(19):3312-24. Lydolph MC, Morgan-Fisher M, Høye AM, Couchman JR, Wewer UM, Yoneda A.
  • Beringian paleoecology inferred from permafrost-preserved fungal DNA. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2005 Feb;71(2):1012-7. Lydolph MC, Jacobsen J, Arctander P, Gilbert MT, Gilichinsky DA, Hansen AJ, Willerslev E, Lange L.