Claus Nielsen

Claus Nielsen


Claus Nielsen, Director, MSc, PhD, Virus & Mikrobiologisk Specialdiagnostik / Sekretariat
T. +45 32683280 @.

Research area

  • General virologi and pathogensis
  • Antiviral therapi and og variability


Director in Department of Virus & Microbiological Special Diagnostics. The Department of Microbiological Diagnostics and Virology performs diagnostics and provides clinical guidance for viral infections and serology. The department is the national central laboratory for human virology, including surveillance of viral infections and research and development within the field.


  • Audelin AM, Cowan SA, Obel N, Nielsen C, Jørgensen LB, Gerstoft J (2013). Phylogenetics of the Danish HIV epidemic: the role of very late presenters in sustaining the epidemic. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 Jan 1;62(1):102-8.
  • Bruhn CA, Audelin AM, Helleberg M, Bjorn-Mortensen K, Obel N, Gerstoft J, Nielsen C, Melbye M, Medstrand P, Gilbert MT, Esbjörnsson J. (2014) The origin and emergence of an HIV-1 epidemic: from introduction to endemicity. AIDS. Apr 24;28(7):1031-40
  • Fonager J, Larsson JT, Hussing C, Engsig FN, Nielsen C, Fischer TK. (2015). Identification of minority resistance mutations in the HIV-1 integrase coding region using next generation sequencing. J Clin Virol. Dec;73:95-100. 
  • Esbjörnsson J, Mild M, Audelin A, Fonager J, Skar H, Bruun Jørgensen L, Liitsola K, Björkman P, Bratt G, Gisslén M, Sönnerborg A, Nielsen C; SPREAD/ESAR Programme, Medstrand P, Albert J. (2016). HIV-1 transmission between MSM and heterosexuals, and increasing proportions of circulating recombinant forms in the Nordic Countries. Virus Evol. Apr 27;2(1)
  • Westergaard UB, van Overeem Hansen B, Rud KA, Nielsen C, Stawski G, Hasløv KR. (2018). A risk assessment on extraneous virus contamination in a viral vaccine production environment justifies waiving of in vivo testing. Biologicals. Nov;56:9-12.