Anders Fomsgaard

Anders Fomsgaard,
Chief Physician,
Virus & Mikrobiologisk Specialdiagnostik / Virus Forskning og Udvikling
T. +45 32683460
Research area
- Research in virus immunity
- Research in novel fast vaccines against influenza and emerging virus e.g. zika, ebola, Mers, etc
- Research in therapeutic HIV vaccines as functional cure
- Development of novel molecular virology methods for diagnostic, surveillance and characterization of exotic, emerging, zoonotic and vector-borne virus in animals and humans (One Health), e.g. metagenomics microarray and NGS, LAMP and point-of-care fast diagnostics
Prizes and honors
- Fritz Kauffman Microbiologi scientific prize 2002
- Wyet Scientific Prize, Danish Society for Microbiology 2002
- AIDS Fondets prize of the year 2003
- President Danish Society for Virology
PubMed link
ORCID: 0000-0003-4304-0603:
- Chief of Virus Research & Development Laboratory (ViFU)
- Responsible of Biologic safety-3 lab (build. 87, SSI)
- National representative in the European Network for Diagnostic of Imported Viral diseases (EU) EVD-LabNet
- Project leader of EU consortium: “MAD-VIR, metagenomics array detection of emerging virus in EU” (One Health European Joint Programme)
- Clinical responsible for human virology at SSI
- Daily leader of staff: 4 seniorresearchers, 1 scientist, 4 technicians, and advisor of graduate- and PhD students
- Román VRG, Jensen KJ, Jensen SS, Leo-Hansen C, Jespersen S, da Silva Té D, Rodrigues CM, Janitzek CM, Vinner L, Katzenstein TL, Andersen P, Kromann I, Andreasen LV, Karlsson I and Fomsgaard A. Therapeutic vaccination using cationic liposome-adjuvanted HIV-1 peptides representing HLA-supertype-restricted subdominant T cell epitopes: Safety, immunogenicity and feasibility in Guinea-Bissau AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2013;29 (11):1504-1512.
- Karlsson I, Kløverpris H, Jensen KJ, Stryhn A, Buus S, Karlsson A, Vinner L, Goulder P, Fomsgaard A. Identification of Conserved Subdominant HIV Type 1 CD8(+) T Cell Epitopes Restricted Within Common HLA Supertypes for Therapeutic HIV Type 1 Vaccines. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2012 Aug 14
- Kloverpris H, Karlsson I, Bonde J, Thorn M, Vinner L, Pedersen AE, Hentze JL, Andresen BS, Svane IM, Gerstoft J, Kronborg G, Fomsgaard A. Induction of novel CD8+ T-cell responses during chronic untreated HIV-1 infection by immunization with subdominant cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes. AIDS. 2009 Jul 17;23 (11):1329-40.
- Borggren M, Nielsen J, Karlsson I, Dalgaard TS, Trebbien R, Williams JA, Fomsgaard A. A polyvalent influenza DNA vaccine applied by needle-free intradermal delivery induces cross-reactive humoral and cellular immune responses in pigs. Vaccine. 2016 Jul 12;34(32):3634-40.
- Rosenstierne MW, Karlberg H, Bragstad K, Lindegren G, Stoltz ML, Salata C, Kran AB, Dudman SG, Mirazimi A, Fomsgaard A. Rapid bedside inactivation of Ebola virus for safe nucleic acid tests. J Clin Microbiol. 2016 Jul 27. pii: JCM.00346-16.