Mandatory notification systems

The prior regulatory community framework for the national surveillance in Denmark is The National Board of Health Statutory Order on Physicians' Notification of Infectious Diseases

Mandatory notification systems

The prior regulatory community framework for the national surveillance in Denmark is The National Board of Health Statutory Order on Physicians' Notification of Infectious Diseases etc, including later amendments:

  • Statutory Order on Physicians' Notification of Infectious Diseases No  277 of 14 April 2000
  • Statutory Order on Physicians' Notification of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) No 616 of 27 june 2003
  • Statutory Order on Physicians' Notification of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) No 1002 of 6 October 2006

Individually notifiable diseases

In the Statutory Order it is stated that a number of diseases are individually notifiable for physicians and GPs. The notifications are also called "clinical notifications", they include relevant information on the patient, and are notified on a paper form to the MOH and to Statens Serum Institut, respectively.

There are special forms for gonorrhoea & syphilis, HIV-infection, and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Laboratory notification system

A laboratory notification system for a large number of microorganisms has also been established. The clinical-microbiological laboratories are obliged to notify findings of certain microorganisms as well as information on the patient. 

In the coming years, Laboratory based surveillance will take place via the microbiological database MiBa.