Here you will find our english reports about covid-19 and links to some of the Danish reports as well. 

Links and reports

We have collected some useful links in the subsections below to guide you to some of our English and Danish COVID-19-information.

COVID-19 reports

Most of our reports are only published in Danish. However, we do have some English publications.  

Historical reports

Surveillance of COVID-19 in wastewater

Statens Serum Institut also publishes reports with data from national surveillance of COVID-19 in wastewater. The reports are in Danish.

Dashboards about COVID-19

Statens Serum Institut has a number of dashboards, which includes data about COVID-19 in Denmark. They are in Danish, but here you will find a glossary with some of the key expressions from the dashboards:

  • Aldersgruppe: Age group
  • Andel: Percentage/share
  • Antal: Number
  • Antigenprøver: Rapid antigen tests
  • Bekræftede tilfælde: Confirmed cases
  • CPR-nummer: Civil registration number
  • Dødsfald: Deaths
  • Forventet fuld effekt: Expected full effect
  • Gennembrudsinfektion: Vaccine breakthrough infection
  • Hele landet: The entire country
  • Indlæggelser: Hospitalisations
  • Kommunalt: Municipally
  • Kommune: Municipality 
  • Køn: Gender
  • Målgruppe: Target group
  • Nyindlagte: New hospitalisations
  • PCR-prøver: PCR-tests
  • Positiv procent: Positive percent
  • Pr.: Per
  • Påbegyndt vaccination: Started vaccination
  • Region: Region 
  • Regionalt: Regional
  • Reinfektioner: Reinfections
  • Revaccination: Revaccination
  • Siden: Since
  • Smittetryk: Reproduction rate
  • Testcentre: Test centres
  • Uvaccinerede: Unvaccinated
  • Vaccinestatus: Vaccine status
  • Vaccinetyper: Vaccine types 
  • Vælg her: Choose here
  • Ændringer: Changes. 

For citizens

Here you will find information about COVID-19 for citizens in Denmark:

Sundhedsstyrelsen (Danish Health Authority) has a webpage with information about COVID-19

The Danish Medicines Agency (Lægemiddelstyrelsen) answers questions about vaccines for children on it's webpage.