Cancer Epidemiology

At SSI, we perform research on the epidemiology of cancer, with a specific focus on the association between reproductive factors and the development of cancer diseases.

Areas of Focus

The purpose of our research is to identify risk factors for cancer and elucidate the biological mechanisms behind the development and prevention of cancer. 

A specific area of focus is the association between reproductive factors, such as pregnancies and number of children, and later risk of developing cancer such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer.

In our research we take advantage of both data originating from the unique Danish health registers and from biological samples. We collaborate closely with colleagues abroad, e.g. in Norway and the USA. 

Selected publications
Husby A, Wohlfahrt J, Øyen N, Melbye M. Pregnancy duration and breast cancer risk. Nat Commun 2018;9(1):4255. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06748-3.
Kleinstern G, Camp NJ, Goldin LR, et al. Association of polygenic risk score with the risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis. Blood 2018;131(23):2541–2551.
Hollander P, Rostgaard K, Smedby KEKE, et al. An anergic immune signature in the tumor microenvironment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma is associated with inferior outcome. Eur J  Haematol 2018;100(1):88–97.
Law PJ, Berndt SI, Speedy HE, et al. Genome-wide association analysis implicates dysregulation of immunity genes in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Nat Commun 2017;8:14175.
Søegaard SH, Rostgaard K, Kamper-Jørgensen M, Schmiegelow K, Hjalgrim H. Maternal diabetes and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in the offspring. Br J Cancer 2018;118(1):117–120.
Hjalgrim H, Rostgaard K, Vasan SK, et al. No evidence of transmission of chronic lymphocytic leukemia through blood transfusion. Blood. 2015;126(17):2059-61. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-03-632844.
Hjalgrim LL, Rostgaard K, Engholm G, et al. Aetiologic heterogeneity in pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma? Evidence from the Nordic countries, 1978-2010. Acta Oncol. (Madr). 2016;55(1):85–90.