No 1/3b - 2025
Free HPV vaccination of men born in 2005
As part of the Finance Act for 2025, funding has been secured for a time-limited offer of free vaccination against HPV for men born in 2005. This concerns men who turn 20 during 2025. The offer applies from January 1 to December 31, 2025.
Statens Serum Institut will send an information letter regarding this via e-boks to all men in the target group on Tuesday, January 21. With this EPI-NEWS, we want to make general practices and the healthcare system aware of the offer.
Why vaccinate against HPV?
The nine-valent HPV vaccine (Gardasil 9®) is approved for the prevention of HPV-related cancer in the cervix, vulva, vagina, and anus, as well as for the prevention of genital warts.
By getting vaccinated, one protects both oneself and one's sexual partners.
Who does the offer apply to?
The offer applies to all men born in 2005 who have not previously been vaccinated against HPV, and those in the target group who have received some vaccines but have not yet completed the vaccination series.
Whether one is fully vaccinated depends on one’s age at the time of vaccination. If vaccination was started no later than at age 14, only two vaccinations are needed, provided both vaccines were given within 13 months; otherwise, an extra vaccine is offered. If vaccination was started later, three vaccinations in total are required to be registered as fully vaccinated.
Vaccination program
The minimum interval in a two-dose program is at least five months between the two doses. In a three-dose program, it is one month between the first two doses and three months between the second and third dose. See also this infographic about HPV (in Danish).
All unvaccinated men must have a three-dose program with the specified minimum intervals. This means that the first vaccination must be given by the end of August 2025 if the entire vaccination program is to be free.
Registration in DDV and billing with service code
All vaccinations must be registered in the Danish Vaccination Register (DDV). For the vaccination of young men born in 2005, a special service code must be used, which will be announced via PLO next week. This code should be used for all the administered vaccines, regardless of whether one, two, or three doses are given. The normal billing codes for use in the HPV vaccination under the childhood vaccination program cannot be used, as they only apply until the vaccinated person turns 18 years old.
Ordering vaccines
Ordering products from SSI is done via the SSI Webshop
Item no. 99204 HPV vaccine, 9 types, 10x1 dose
(L. Hallundbæk, P.H. Andersen, B. Søborg, Infectious Epidemiology and Prevention)