No 39 - 2024

Autumn Vaccination Program Against Influenza and COVID-19, 2024/2025

Autumn Vaccination Program Against Influenza and COVID-19, 2024/2025

From October 1, 2024, vaccination against influenza and COVID-19 will be offered to people aged 65 and over, as well as to people under 65 with certain chronic conditions and to pregnant women. Vaccination against both diseases can be done simultaneously.

Invitation to Vaccination Against Influenza and COVID-19

People aged 65 and over will receive an invitation as Digital Post or as physical mail if exempt from Digital Post.

Appointments for vaccination can then be booked at regional vaccination centers or with the Danish Doctors’ Vaccination Service on the website Assistance with booking appointments is also available via a regional hotline.

Other target groups can also book appointments via by filling out a solemn declaration.

Vaccination Against Influenza

Target Groups and Period

Vaccination against influenza begins on October 1, 2024, and is offered free of charge this year to everyone in the following groups:

  1. People aged 65* and over
  2. People under 65 with chronic diseases, including:
    a. People with chronic lung diseases
    b. People with cardiovascular diseases (except isolated, well-regulated high blood pressure)
    c. People with diabetes type 1 or 2
    d. People with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, e.g., people with immunoglobulin deficiencies, organ or stem cell transplantation, cancer in treatment with chemotherapy, or people undergoing other immunosuppressive treatment
    e. People with impaired respiration due to reduced muscle strength
    f. People with chronic liver or kidney disease
    g. People with other chronic diseases where the condition means that influenza or COVID-19 poses a serious health risk, e.g., people with severe rheumatological syndrome, severe neurological disease or short bowel syndrome
  3. People with severe obesity (BMI>35)
  4. People with other serious diseases or conditions that mean that influenza or COVID-19 poses a serious health risk, e.g., people with severe mental illness, Down syndrome, or severe substance abuse
  5. Pregnant women in the 2nd or 3rd trimester**
  6. People in the same household as people with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency or children at increased risk of severe influenza or COVID-19
  7. Early retirees

    *People aged 64 can be vaccinated if they turn 65 by December 20, 2024
    ** Pregnant women are recommended to be vaccinated in the 1st trimester if there are other risk factors for a severe course of influenza.
    The vaccination period runs until December 20, 2024.

Influenza Vaccines this Season

People aged 65 to 69 are offered vaccination against influenza using the vaccines VaxigripTetra® or InfluvacTetra®. The two vaccines are equivalent. For information about the vaccines, see Vaccine Lexicon.

People aged 70 and over are offered an adjuvanted vaccine, Fluad Tetra®.

People with severe allergies to eggs, neomycin, or gentamicin can be vaccinated with a cell-based vaccine, Flucelvax Tetra®.

All the mentioned influenza vaccines can be given simultaneously with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Vaccine Target Group 2024/2025 
 Fluad Tetra  70 years and over
 VaxigripTetra/InfluvacTetra  65 years to 69 years
 VaxigripTetra/InfluvacTetra  Risk groups from 6 months and over
 Flucelvax Tetra  People in one of the above target groups with severe egg allergy

Ingredients and Allergies

Both VaxigripTetra® and InfluvacTetra® may contain traces of egg protein and formaldehyde. VaxigripTetra® may contain traces of neomycin, while InfluvacTetra® may contain traces of gentamicin.

Allergy to formaldehyde will most often manifest as contact dermatitis and is not a contraindication in such cases. It is recommended that the vaccine be given deeply intramuscularly.

People with an egg allergy, but where the patient only reacts with hives, can be vaccinated with Fluad Tetra®, VaxigripTetra®, or InfluvacTetra®, and a subsequent observation period of 30 minutes is recommended. People with severe allergies to eggs, neomycin, or gentamicin should be vaccinated with Flucelvax Tetra® this year. Read more about Flucelvax Tetra®.

For more information, see Allergy and Vaccination.

Special Considerations for Vaccinating Children

Children at increased risk can be vaccinated with VaxigripTetra® or InfluvacTetra®, which are approved for use from 6 months.

In general, for children, if the child being vaccinated is under 8 years old and has not been previously vaccinated, two vaccines are given 4 weeks apart. If the child has been previously vaccinated against influenza or is over 8 years old, one vaccine is given. There is no influenza vaccination program for children between 2 and 6 years old this year.

Vaccination Against COVID-19

Target Groups and Period

From October 1, 2024, free vaccination against COVID-19 is offered to the same target groups as for influenza vaccination.

Pregnant women are recommended to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in the 1st trimester if they have not previously been vaccinated against COVID-19 or have other risk factors for a severe course of COVID-19.

The vaccination period runs until December 20, 2024.

COVID-19 Vaccines this Season

Vaccination this season is done with Comirnaty JN. 1 from Pfizer/BioNTech. One dose is given regardless of previous vaccination status. The vaccine should be given at least 3 months from the last COVID-19 vaccination. The vaccine can be given simultaneously with the influenza vaccine.

Based on a specific medical assessment, people with severely weakened immune systems may be offered a second dose in the current season, at least 3 months after the seasonal vaccination.

People who have received a stem cell transplant may be offered vaccination with two doses of Comirnaty JN. 1 given 3 weeks apart, followed by a seasonal vaccination (3rd dose) at least 8 weeks after the 2nd dose.

Vaccination is done based on a specific medical assessment approximately 2-3 months after the transplantation.

Vaccination of children under 18 at particular risk can only be done based on a specific medical assessment by a pediatric specialist.

The vaccine comes in multi-dose vials and is available in three different formulations/dosages for adults and children over 12 years (gray cap), children 5-11 years (blue cap), and children from 6 months to 4 years (yellow cap).

Ingredients and Allergies

Allergy to the ingredients in the vaccine is very rare, but for these patients, vaccination is contraindicated.

Previous anaphylactic reaction in connection with vaccination or administration of medicines or repeated severe immediate reactions/anaphylaxis in connection with oral medicines should be assessed by a doctor before vaccination.

Correct Registration in DDV of Vaccines Against Influenza and COVID-19

People aged 65 and over will have an influenza vaccination course created with VaxigripTetra® when invitations are sent out. For influenza vaccination, the vaccine (InfluvacTetra®/VaxigripTetra®) currently in stock is used.

When registering vaccination, it is therefore important to ensure that the batch number and type of influenza vaccine match the administered vaccine.

If a doctor registers a course with a COVID-19 vaccine for a patient, it is important to choose Comirnaty JN. 1 (without invitation). Dosage depends on age, as the vaccine is available in three different dosages for adults and children over 12 years, children 5-11 years, and children from 6 months to 4 years. Assessment of the indication for vaccination against COVID-19 for children and young people under 18 is based on a specific medical assessment by a pediatric specialist.

Vaccination Against Influenza and COVID-19 for Self-Payment

Vaccines against influenza and COVID-19 for self-payment can be ordered from SSI.

For more information on ordering vaccines for self-payment outside the announcement, see products and services.

(L. Hallundbæk, J. Grau, B. Søborg, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention)

September 25, 2024