No 27/28 - 2024

Vaccination with Boostrix Polio® in the childhood vaccination program

Vaccination with Boostrix Polio® in the childhood vaccination program

The vaccine Boostrix Polio® can be ordered from SSI starting in early July 2024 and is used as a 5-year booster in the childhood vaccination program. Boostrix Polio® is equivalent to the previously used Tetravac®. SSI recommends using the Tetravac® vaccines available in clinics before implementing Boostrix Polio®.

Billing codes

There is no change in the normally used billing code, which remains: Di-Te-Ki-Pol-revaccination (vaccination given once, usually at 5 years) = 8325.

Monitoring of participation in the vaccination program is based on the mandatory reporting of vaccinations to the Danish Vaccination Register (DDV) via or through integration of DDV with the electronic journal system.

About Boostrix Polio®

Boostrix Polio® is approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The vaccine is approved for children aged 3 years and older, as well as pregnant individuals. The vaccine protects against four diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and polio. Boostrix Polio® has a lower antigen content for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, making it suitable only as a booster vaccination for children.

Boostrix Polio® is administered as a booster vaccination to children who have previously received a minimum of 3 vaccinations in a primary program. The vaccine is typically given around age 5, but if not given at that time, it can be administered up to age 17 as part of the regular childhood vaccination program in Denmark. In this case, the duration of protection against diphtheria and tetanus is at least 10 years, while pertussis protection is expected to last 5-10 years, and polio protection is likely lifelong.

Boostrix Polio® is delivered in prefilled syringes, which should be shaken before use to achieve a homogeneous milky-white suspension. Boostrix Polio® is administered via intramuscular injection once the vaccine reaches room temperature.

Side Effects

The most common side effects include transient headache, malaise, redness/swelling/tenderness at the injection site, and fatigue (please refer to the vaccine lexicon and product summary).

Reporting of Side Effects – Enhanced Reporting Requirements

As the vaccine has not previously been used as part of the Danish childhood vaccination program, Boostrix Polio® is subject to enhanced reporting requirements in connection with its introduction into the Danish childhood vaccination program. Enhanced reporting regulations imply that healthcare professionals are obligated to report all suspected adverse reactions among patients under their care.

Serious adverse reactions should be reported to the Danish Medicines Agency within 15 days after the physician has been made aware of the presumed side effects and can be reported via

L. Hallundbæk, P.H. Andersen, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention, July 8, 2024