No 19/21 - 2024

Vaccination of pilgrims travelling to Mecca (Hajj)

Vaccination of pilgrims travelling to Mecca (Hajj)

In 2024, the Hajj will begin on 14 June and end on 19 June. Around 2 million Muslim pilgrims participate in the Hajj every year. To obtain a visa to Saudi Arabia, all pilgrims must be vaccinated against meningococcal disease serogroups A, C, Y, and W.

In Denmark, two four-valent conjugate vaccines are registered for protection against meningococcal disease caused by groups A, C, Y and W; Nimenrix® and Menveo®.

  • Nimenrix is a conjugate vaccine approved for individuals older than six weeks of age.
  • Menveo is a conjugate vaccine approved for individuals older than two years of age.

Pilgrims must have been vaccinated within five years with one of the two conjugate vaccines against meningococcal disease, and the vaccine must be administered a minimum of ten days before entering Saudi Arabia.

The relevance of vaccination against meningococcal disease is emphasized by the fact that, in recent weeks, 12 cases of meningococcal disease caused by meningococcal group W have been reported in France, England and the US among travelers who have visited Saudi Arabia.

Other vaccinations may also be relevant when travelling to Mecca, including tetanus, diphtheria and hepatitis A, as described on the travel vaccination website.

The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia has outlined mandatory vaccination requirements, other vaccination recommendations and general health and hygiene recommendations, which are available here.

(A.C. Nordholm, C.B. Schjørring, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention)
22 May 2024