No 46 - 2020

Statens Serum Institut launches new COVID-19 website

Statens Serum Institut launches new COVID-19 website

The new website presents information provided by the SSI about COVID-19, all in one place. The site includes monitoring data, infectious hygiene information, analyses and prognoses.

The website was launched on 11 November 2020 at:

The aim of the new website is to give users an enhanced overview of the many different areas with which the SSI works and communicates about in relation to COVID-19. Furthermore, we aim to make it easier for you to find exactly the information about COVID-19 that you are looking for.

More specifically, this means that contents about COVID-19 now published at under, e.g., Infectious Hygiene, Disease Surveillance, Disease Dictionary and Disease Outbreaks, will be moved to the new website. Direct links to the new website will be added to all central COVID-19 pages on This should ensure that everyone finds the information he or she needs, even if some users have bookmarked pages on or are referred to from a link on another website that has not been updated.

The information on the website generally aims to inform a broad group of healthcare workers, citizens, researchers and journalists. Even so, some sections have been divided into information for citizens and healthcare workers. For example, this is the case for Infectious Hygiene, where some of the information provided was prepared for and is only relevant for healthcare workers.

The SSI’s dashboard with key figures and municipal data continues as previously at:

(Statens Serum Institut)