No 7/9 - 2019

Individually notified diseases 2018 / SSI Vaccine Day in Ringsted on 6 June 2019

Individually notified diseases 2018

The annual report includes the number of individually notifiable diseases with onset in 2018. The figures may be adjusted due to late notifications or new information. For comparison, we give totals for 2017 and the annual average for the 5-year period 2013-2017, with the lowest and highest number of annual cases during this period.

No cases of haemorrhagic fever, group A meningococcal disease, plague, polio, rabies or rubella were notified.

See the 2018 Annual Report (pdf).

(Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention)

SSI Vaccine Day in Ringsted on 6 June 2019

Now for the sixth time, the SSI invites GPs and practice staff with a healthcare background related to vaccines and vaccination to attend an instructive and educational day focusing on the childhood vaccination programme. The day will comprise sessions offered by the WHO, the General Practitioners’ Association, the Danish Patient Safety Authority, the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention and the Danish Health Authority and there will be ample opportunity to ask questions and share experiences from clinical practice. This year the event is hosted at Scandic Ringsted.

See the programme and learn how to sign up.

(Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention)