English website for Digital Infectious Disease Preparedness at SSI
The Department of Data Integration and Analysis (DIAS) at Statens Serum Institut (SSI) is pleased to announce that we have published a website in English that provides an overview of the Digital Infectious Disease Preparedness at SSI, including the digital surveillance systems.
Digital Infectious Disease Preparedness contributes to fighting infectious diseases by collecting and providing data in a timely manner for use in surveillance and outbreak control. This is enabled by the Danish Microbiology Database (MiBa), a country-wide database of microbiological test results.
In addition to surveillance, MiBa plays essential roles in patient treatment, infection control (MiBAlert), and national IT projects.
Based on the automated, real-time data collection of microbiological test results, DIAS has developed surveillance systems, in collaboration with colleagues and stakeholders, that use automatic data collection and processing to monitor e.g. infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance.
Read more about the Digital Infectious Disease Preparedness at SSI.