Troels Lillebæk

Troels Lillebæk


Troels Lillebæk, Director, Consultant, DMSc, Tuberkulose og Mykobakterier
T. +45 32683704 @.

Research area

Director and responsible for the research strategy at the International Reference Laboratory of mycobacteriology (IRLM) at Statens Serum Institut (SSI) focusing on tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacteria research based on microbiological, molecular, immunological, and pharmacological methods. Especially interested in molecular epidemiology and interpretation of genotyping data. Supervision (previous/ongoing) of nine PhD´s, one MPH and two ”postdoc”. 

PubMed link


Director at IRLM which performs laboratory based diagnostics, surveillance and research on tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacteria for Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands.

Serves as national- and international expert, e.g. in connection with WHO (Supranational Reference Laboratory Network), ECDC (TB Disease Network Coordinating Committee & European Reference Laboratory TB Network), European Society of Mycobacteriology (Steering Committee & Vice President), and the Danish "National Tuberculosis Group".

Clinical work as Consultant ID-specialist in the Infectious Diseases Outpatient Clinic at Zealand University Hospital Roskilde.


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